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Fundraising Opportunities


Our mission at Toppings is not only to serve amazing froyo and sweet treats, but

also to use that as an opportunity to give back to our community and help it

grow.  That is why we’ve developed our FUNdraising program, which allows us

to help raise funds for local schools and non-profit organizations.  

Here’s how it works:


  • Your team member/s will be responsible for helping collect receipts and explaining the cause of the fundraiser to customers

  • At the end of the night we will tally up the receipts and the organization will get 15% (pre tax) of the receipts collected during the event that evening.

  • We have designated Wednesday’s to our Fundraising nights, it’s up to your organization to promote your event and bring in customers!

  • A Facebook event and Instagram post will need to made NO LATER than 1 week PRIOR to the event and promoted accordingly.

  • A check will either be presented that evening or the following business day so please let us know who to make the check out to.


Please fill out the document below and contact Shawna at for further questions

Please check your desired Wednesday is available when filling our your request

321 N. Michigan Avenue Big Rapids MI 49307

© 2022 by Toppings of Big Rapids

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